Sofia Goggia & our 2022 Christmas Lottery
With donations from our supporters, we raised
An exceptional result, achieved thanks to your generosity and that of our Champion Sofia Goggia, who gave us her autographed helmet as the Lottery prize.

Make a donation (the minimum amount is 5 euros) to the CampoBase Association through PAYPAL
Or through our IBAN IT77E0623001001000041749041 in the name of Associazione CampoBase.
WIN A T-SHIRT SIGNED BY SOFIA GOGGIA for Associazione CampoBase and support our projects in Nepal.
For every € 5 donation, you will receive a matching number to participate in the lottery.
On December 22nd, we will draw the winner on live!
Send us an email to writing the amount of the donation made (every 5 euros you will have a single number), your name, surname and telephone number.
We will send you one or more numbers, depending on the amount donated, which you will keep carefully until the day of the draw.
If on December 22nd you will not be able to participate in the live draw, don’t worry, we will contact you to deliver your prize.