Report december 2021- january 2022


On December 18th, we returned to Kathmandu to look on our Kindergarten, Music Room, Taekwondo projects and to create new ones.

20 days full of emotions and meetings with Kindergarten and Music Room’s children and useful to finalize and launch the new projects discussed with the local associations we met during our previous trip, in august 2021.

The projects lasting one year each have been designed following our Statute’s guidelines: schooling for children and help for women; sport and
music, important corollaries to children’s school education.

You can find our briefing in the following pages.

Our Kindergarten


Inaugurated on February 16, 2021, our Kindergarten  entered his full capacity starting from January 16, 2022, and it will be operational from 9 to 16, six days a week, providing meals to children.

In this first year, about fifteen children have used our services continuously.


In mid November 2021, thanks to the work of Kalpana from the Nepalese NGO Creative Nepal and her more than ten years of experience with children, the Kindergarten was further embellished and transformed into an even warmer, welcoming, colourful and stimulating place for children.

The coaching of Aasha has also begun: the new teacher is perfect with children, full of enthusiasm and desire “to do well” and above all in line with the spirit of the CampoBase project.


Aasha will be assisted in the activities with the children by Alisha, a very precious p resence since the first days of the Kindergarten; both will be joined by Gauri, cook and caregiver, who will prepare meals for the children.

We have further implemented Kindergarten’s didactic material in these days, we are defini ng the colour to repaint the kitchen where the children will eat as well as “shopping list” with everything necessary to set it up in the best
possible way.

The Music Room


Form its opening in September 2021, a few days after our
departure in August, the MUSIC ROOM immediately proved to be a success and an essential meeting point for girls and boys who attend school, a privileged place where
they can sing or learn to play a musical instrument.

The most obvious result, but certainly not the only one to underline, is the formation of the CampoBase Band by 5 of them: the chosen name winks at us, but the project really warms the heart.

Among the girls attending the Music Room, three of them are rehearsing for a vocal trio, accompanied by Sagar, our music teacher.


With Sagar, we checked the instruments and equipment (all in excellent condition) and purchased a set of new strings for the third guitar.

We will meet each other in March for an online me
eting to evaluate results and further purchases of material and tools.


Necha School Project

report associazione campobase

We met Saroj Katel, (Corporate Adventure Treks), in May 2018, during our first trip to Nepal.
Originally from Necha, a village in the Solulkhumbu District, the southernmost part of the Khumbu valley and on the road leading to Everest Base Camp, he
involved us as main sponsor in a one shot aid project at the school he attended until 16 years old, preparatory to the opening of a future Kindergarten.

report associazione campobase

In the spirit of CampoBase, whose projects are based on the real needs of the beneficiaries, Saroj interfaced with the Principal of the Shree Kalika Primary School and the local authorities, identifying for 2022 three lines of

report associazione campobase

– The purchase of a PC f or students’ computer literacy and to be prepared for a further period of distance learning, considering the emergence of new cases of the Omicron variant in Nepal as well.

– The purchase of 80 backpacks to go to school.

– A series of cash prizes for the most deserving students, equal to 500 Nepalese rupees (just under € 4), as a one off prize and as an incentive for everyone to give their best.

Barista Trainings


For this 2022, CampoBase and Cocina Mitho Chha (CMC) have signed an
agreement that will provide for the sponsorship of 8 Barista Trainings,
imagining as per our Statute to be able to offer this opportunity especially
to girls.
Cocina Mitho Chha is a Nepalese organization that deals with specific training
related to catering and is aimed at orphaned youth s in particularly
disadvantaged economic conditions.

Through CMC, girls and boys can take courses to become bartenders, waiters,
or cooks. CMC’s activity is not limited to just providing the course but involves
all the players in the hospitality supply chain (managers of bars, restaurants,
and hotels) in a continuous series of meetings so that job supply and demand
can meet and become opportunities. effective for youths.

CampoBase & Apeiron in Nepal

Apeiron is an Italian NGO based in Cesena and has its sister in Casa Nepal who, for many years, has been working to help women victims of domestic violence and their children.
When the Survivors (as the women in charge of Casa Nepal operators call them) have finished their journey in the Structure and it is time to return to society, a Kindergarten like ours can be useful to take care of their children: we have guaranteed them welcome in our structure, free of charge.

Apeiron in Nepal is also involved in sponsoring older girls and boys who, after school, have the potential, but not the possibility, to pay for a professional course.
With Apeiron in Nepal, CampoBase has signed an agreement so that two of these young people can participate for free in the Barista Trainings organized in 2022 by Cocina Mitho Chha.
The prospects and assumptions glimpsed in August immediately translated into real projects.

Sofia Goggia and the Christmas Lottery:
the Taekwondo Project

Khem is a former street boy, now thirty five who, sponsored at the time by a Swiss woman, was able to study and redeem himself.

Now, he takes care of a dozen ex street children and you ng people, to whom he guarantees studies, care, and access to sport.

Among his children there are some champions of taekwondo, a martial art widely practiced in Nepal and very useful for learning self discipline and increasing their self esteem.
Khem’s children have a “private” instructor, so as not to be discriminated against, as unfortunately happened when they attended a “normal” gym and reap success after success in exams that allow them to pass from one colour belt to another or other certifications.

Thanks to the funds raised through the CampoBase Christmas lottery, which, as a coveted first prize, had the t shirt autographed for us by the very generous Sofia Goggia, we can take care of the payment of the Taekwondo instructor for the whole of 2022, to guarantee children the possibility of continuing to train and compete.