Sport to Sport
CampoBase, Sofia Goggia & Christmas Lottery
Taekwondo Project

December 2022

Sofia Goggia firma il suo casco per la nostra lotteria di Natale 2022

Even for 2023, this project will be financed by allocating a part of the money raised thanks to our Christmas lottery and your donations.

A good result for all of us and especially for the children of the Phoenix House that can keep on following taekwondo and participate in the competitions that – usually – see them as winners.

Discipline, passion, self-control, performance and sacrifice, all things belonging to sport and real life.

Our children of the Kindergarten were the starring of the draw of the winning number of the Christmas Lottery by CampoBase, with the helmet signed by Sofia Goggia as a prize.

Her generosity and that of our supporters have allowed us to collect 2040.15€, which will be entirely invested in the activities of the association planned for 2023.


In the picture above, the boys of the Phoenix House, after the traditional chicken momo party (momo are like Chinese ravioli) – much loved especially by children and young people – and coca cola offered by all of us from CampoBase: we see them with the basketball gifted by one of our supporters; it is not always and only time of martial arts!


May - June 2022

A fundamental step of our travels in Nepal is the visit to Khem and its former street boys, most of them Taekwondo champions.

The “excuse” is a momo-party for everyone, but the real reason is to continue to support the sports activities for the boys of Khem.

Four of them have just graduated black belt with Korean certification, which will allow them to compete and possibly teach Taekwondo anywhere in the world.

An exceptional result, whose CampoBase will give again its contribution for the next year, also thanks to the interest of Sofia Goggia: our champion has in fact guaranteed her support for the next Christmas lottery 2022, through which we hope to collect the amount necessary to finance the course of Taekwondo for 2023.

December 2021 - january 2022

Khem is a former street boy, now thirty five who, sponsored at the time by a Swiss woman, was able to study and redeem himself.

Now, he takes care of a dozen ex street children and you ng people, to whom he guarantees studies, care, and access to sport.

Among his children there are some champions of taekwondo, a martial art widely practiced in Nepal and very useful for learning self discipline and increasing their self esteem.
Khem’s children have a “private” instructor, so as not to be discriminated against, as unfortunately happened when they attended a “normal” gym and reap success after success in exams that allow them to pass from one colour belt to another or other certifications.

Thanks to the funds raised through the CampoBase Christmas lottery, which, as a coveted first prize, had the t shirt autographed for us by the very generous Sofia Goggia, we can take care of the payment of the Taekwondo instructor for the whole of 2022, to guarantee children the possibility of continuing to train and compete.